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Real-time biomarker detection systems for rapid medical decision-making in cancer and cardiac diseases

DEN is involved in mapping and analysing the obstacles and the opportunities opened by development and validation of next-generation point-of-care (PoC) systems for the real-time detection of critical biomarkers in human biofluids. RealCare’s systems are designed to be compact, energy efficient and integrated with augmented reality interfaces, with a particular focus on cancer and cardiac disease in challenging clinical settings. RealCare’s approach includes advanced biomarker detection technologies, such as microfluidics and new generations of microneedles, label-free electrochemical biosensors using 2D materials, optical sensors utilising CRISPR, biological amplifiers combined with fluorescent microscopy, and scalable SPR with energy-efficient electronic readouts, AI data processing, and wireless communication units. In addition, RealCare will develop portable, interoperable and adaptable PoC systems that integrate biomarker detection technology with vital signs monitoring, including advanced data analytics and AI methods. The initiative will also focus on the development of intuitive extended reality interfaces, such as augmented and virtual reality, to visualise biomarker data in real time and facilitate rapid medical decision-making in integrated care environments and workflows. Through the direct engagement of stakeholders, DEN will focus on the analysis of users’ expectations and barriers for a facilitated adoption of the RealCare solutions in the real environment.

Project duration: 1 December 2023 – 30 November 2028

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